How can Squeaky achieve such good prices as a smaller and cleaner company?
We believe that clean energy doesn't have to cost more. So by buying electricity directly from clean UK generators we cut out the middleman and keeps costs low, so you can get 100% Squeaky clean energy for the same price as standard (dirty) energy from a big six provider.
05th July
What costs make up my monthly energy bill?
Your bill includes two main costs which is the unit cost measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) and the daily standing charge. Your daily standing charge is the cost to connect you to your supply and the unit cost is the price you will pay per unit of electricity you use. You can find these charges on the first page of your Squeaky contract and bill.
05th July
What is CCL?
The Climate Change Levy (CCL) is an environmental tax charged on the energy used by businesses in the UK. From 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 the rate for electricity is 0.847p/kWh. Introduced in 2001, it was designed to encourage businesses to be more energy efficient. Generally businesses that use lower amounts of electricity are exempt from t
27th July
I’ve heard about price hikes mid contract - could my rate go up?
No! We offer fixed rate contracts for 1 or 2 years so you don’t have to worry about rate increases, ever.
17th June
Why do I have different rates?
This is because businesses have different energy needs. Your business might pay different rates for electricity during the day, night or even weekend. This is a great idea for businesses like bakeries that use a lot of electric in the middle of the night when it’s cheap. It should be easy to spot on your bill but get in touch on 0345 504 6309 if you
05th July
What are deemed rates?
Deemed rates (also known as out of contract rates) apply when a business hasn't renewed their energy contract or switched supplier at the end of the contract period. These rates can also apply following a change of tenancy (COT) when the new business has not negotiated a contract with the supplier. So it's important to keep on top of this otherwise
10th December